Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Roomate Advice

One thing that you may be stressed and worried about when coming to college is having to live with a roomate. It seems scary and you may not know what to expect or how to handle living in the same room with another person. Luckily, I am here to help!

Now, there are two main different situations that you could encounter when entering college. You are either going into college knowing who your roomate is (a good friend most likely), or you are going to be assigned a roomate at random. If you have the option, I would absolutely pick the latter. It is not a good idea to room with a good friend. You will most likely get into an argument eventually and it can really effect your friendship in a negative way. Although rooming with someone you don't know seems scary, it is good in so many ways. You will meet more people through your roomate and be forced out of your comfort zone which is always positive in the end! You may not grow to be best friends or even good friends with your roomate, but the experience will help you grow as a person and will help you to expand your world view and help to gain respect for different types of people.

My main advice for dealing with living with a different person is as follows. You should set some ground rules with your roomate. Come to agreements on different issues such as loud noise, having a lot of people in the room, and maybe even talk about a designated study time for the room. Respect your roomates space and make sure your things don't invade the space of your roomate. If your roomate is messy this isn't as much of an issue, but if your roomate is a neat person than you should try to keep your part of the room as neat as possible. My last piece of advice is be nice and friendly to your roomate! Don't be afraid to ask your roomate questions to get to know him/her. Make an effort to be friends with your roomate and to hang out with them outside of the room. Overall, work at being a good roomate!

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The-Roomate-Movie-Poster.jpg by Timothy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.